What EAP does for employees?
The Employee Assistance program is designed specifically to help support employees in their place of work. Through connecting corporations with psychologists, it provides employees a safe space to work on their mental health. Psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors are all available for the employees for easy and convenient access to mental health support. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is specifically designed to help organisations provide support to their employees. By providing this service, they can promote personal well-being and strengthen relationships in the workplace. In addition, happy and mentally healthy employees also thrive at home and within the community. Organisations have learnt to understand their employees needs and how this support can improve productivity within the workplace. Support services are provided through the EAP at no cost to employees who work for organisations that have a contract for EAP provision. Allow the EAP to find the right counsellor for your needs.
How can the EAP assist you?
All employees within all levels or the organisation can have access to the Employee Assistance Program. The professional mental health experts can help you deal with personal, family, or work-related concerns. Through identifying these issues and providing tools to successfully navigate personal difficulties, the employees will benefit in their work life and job performance. All appointments and arrangements are strictly confidential. All psychologists employed are qualified by the state and well versed on a large variety of mental health issues. Whether you want an appointment to help you through conflict resolution, mental health concerns, grief, or stress. The mental health experts are there to provide you with the necessary support. All meetings and appointments are kept confidential and private, just like an outside mental health program. If you want to book an appointment with the EAP, check with your organisation and sign up today.
The EAP in house solution focused psycho educational program.
Organisations have realized the value of supporting their employees in their mental health journeys. They have found that providing an environment where mental health is destigmatized and their employees have access free to mental health services, has improved morale and job outcomes. EAP gives corporations an in-house solution to keep workers engaged and working. Through this psycho educational program, they can support their employees during work if there is an organisational change or restructure. During other difficult periods within the workplace, EAP can also support the individuals experiencing it.
The reality is, that it costs an organisation hundreds of thousands of dollars in sick leave, stress leave, or mental health days if they do not support their employees. The EAP services can tailor their treatments and psycho education to every corporation. This way, they learn the company structure and help provide the appropriate level of mental health support and psycho education. If critical incidents occur within the organisation, the EAP will be there to provide the necessary guidance through the incident. By using psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors, organisations can create a trusting, thriving, and positive environment. This way, employees can focus on the work and provide better results with a healthier outset.